PH-Tools is the umbrella project encompassing all of the various software tools we've been building to make Passive House energy modeling faster, easier and more fun. In the past we've made plugins for DesignPH, and standalone tools like LBT2PH. The newest member of the PH-Tools family is the Honeybee-PH plugin for Ladybug Tools and Honeybee. Learn more about all of the tools below.
Honeybee-PH is the Passive House plugin for Ladybug / Honeybee which includes a simple Rhino/Grasshopper installer. Add PH modeling features to the already expansive LBT toolkit. Send model data out to PHPP or WUFI-Passive. Learn more…
CarbonCheck allows teams working in New York State to automatically generate state-energy-code baseline models from their proposed designs, and also simplifies and standardizes output reporting for certain New York State incentive funding programs. Learn more…
LabybugTools-2-PH is used for older Ladybug Tools models (pre v1.0) and allows for real-time streaming of building data to PHPP. Learn more…
DesignPH Room-Data
Add interior-room-level data inputs and attribute management to Sketchup DesignPH models. Allows for automatic reporting of data using the Sketchup ‘Layout’ application tags. Learn more…